School Organizations

Get Involved

At St. John Vianney Catholic School we are blessed with active, involved parents that help to create a caring, dynamic learning environment. We have multiple opportunities for parents to get involved in their children’s education, at the classroom level or at a school wide level, as well as in our athletics program and fund raising efforts. Please read the descriptions below to gather a better understanding of the different organizations at St. John Vianney School and prayerfully consider where you would like to help out.

St. John Vianney School Board

St. John Vianney School Board

The St. John Vianney School Board, we would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. We hope you had a great summer with your family and look forward to a blessed school year.

The St. John Vianney School Board members for the 2024-2025 school year are:


There is still time to join the St. John Vianney School Board or one of its committees! If you are interested in joining the St. John Vianney School Board or a committee, please contact any of the board members.  The board meets monthly and the committees meet quarterly. Please also feel free to contact any of the board or committee members during the school year with any questions or concerns.

The St. John Vianney School Board is responsible for the following:

  1. Strategic planning.
  2. Formulation of local school policies, other than those held in reserved powers, to guide planning and administration in the areas of:
    1. Academic affairs;
    2. Student affairs;
    3. Faith community affairs;
    4. Business affairs;
    5. Development affairs;
    6. Mission effectiveness;
    7. Evaluation:
      1. Of Principal in conjunction with Superintendent of School;
      2. Of effectiveness of local school policies and plans;
      3. Of effectiveness of Board operations;
      4. Of mission effectiveness.
      5. Oversight of financial operations.
      6. Oversight of and participation in institutional advancements/development programs designed to attract human and financial resources.

We look forward to a great school year and serving you and the students of our school. We do thank you for choosing St. John Vianney.

God Bless!

The St. John Vianney School Board

St. John Vianney Home and School Association

St. John Vianney Home and School Association

Home and School Mission:

The mission of the St. John Vianney Home and School Association is to advance the welfare of the students in the school through the coordinated efforts of parents, teachers and students. Home and School will also provide financial aid and assistance for special projects, educational media, activities, and events for the benefit of the students and the school.

The Home and School Association is composed of parents or guardians of SJV students. The officers of the Home and School consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary,and Treasurer.

2024-25 Officers

President: Mia Burns

Vice President –  Becky Wood

Treasurer: Dawn Estalis

Listed below are some of the areas we participate in during the year:

  • Teachers – For the past several years, the Home and School has given a monetary token of appreciation to each teacher at the beginning of the school year. It is used at each teacher’s discretion. We also provide two teacher meals during conferences, as well as other small “teacher appreciation” items.
  • Scholarships – Every year Home and School gives a scholarship to one boy and one girl who is continuing their education at Catholic Central or West Catholic High School.
  • Graduation – Home and School gives a rose bush to any family who’s youngest or only child is graduating from the eighth grade. A small but lasting way to say good-bye and thank you.
  • Santa’s Secret Shop –We provide Christmas shopping days for students to purchase gifts at a reasonable price.
  • Library – Home and School has played a major role in updating the school library. The fall book fair provides the funds by which we purchase new books and materials for the library.
  • Father/Daughter Dance and Mother/Son Event –  We solicit volunteers and coordinate these events.
  • School Directory – We arrange the publication and distribution to each SJV family.
  • Popcorn Days- Monthly treat for each student
  • Free Uniform Exchange- Organized and maintained for your convenience
  • S.H.I.N.E. Cart– Those little yellow tickets eran prizes and treats supported and run by Home & School.
  • Fun Family Events- Open house cookout, movie night, euchre night, WhiteCaps and several more

St. John Vianney Athletic Boosters

St. John Vianney Athletic Boosters

The SJV Boosters is a service organization whose objective is to sponsor the sports program for boys and girls at St. John Vianney Catholic School. It also assists in maintaining the athletic facilities. Membership is open to all parishioners and any parent of a child attending St. John Vianney School. The SJV Boosters are accountable to the School Commission through the Athletic Director or a designated representative. The SJV Boosters sponsor, staff and maintain a concession stand at sporting events at St. John Vianney. They also participated in such fund raising activities such as Lenten Fish Fries. All members are encouraged to assist in these worthwhile activities to fund equipment purchases, league and tournament fees, facility upkeep and improvements, as well as many other things which help make our sports program one of the best in the Diocese.

Athletic Director – Harry Werkema

President – Steve Chwalek 

Vice President – Chris Carlson

Secretary – Vicki Warmolts

Treasurer – Christina Finkler



Get involved on campus to be a positive male role model for our student community. The SJV WATCH DADS program brings fathers and father-figures into the school to help facilitate learning and serve as an extra set of eyes and ears so teachers and students can focus on learning. Shifts can be one full school day, or just a few hours. WATCH DADS must have completed VIRTUS training, have a background check completed and sign the Standards of Ministerial Behavior. We can help you with that!

Sign up here via Helper Helper app:

1. Download the Helper Helper mobile app

2. Sign in to the Helper Helper mobile app or create an account.

St. John Vianney Box Tops Program

St. John Vianney Box Tops
Program Overview

Most Box Tops are worth 10 cents, but there are bonus Box Tops that can be worth more than that. Box Tops must have a visible date on it or they will not accept them.  Box Tops with an expired date on them will not be accepted or added to our check payment.

SJV school receives a check in the amount of what we collect throughout the year and turn in.  This money goes toward school activities such as the Father/Daughter dance, the Mother/Son event, skating parties, Popcorn days and the Year End Party, which are all sponsored by Home & School.

Tyson Chicken product labels are worth 24 cents each.  They work like the Box Tops program.  We redeem them for cash to go toward Home & School sponsored events. Tyson has no expiration dates and are good any time.  Most of their products have the little chalkboard picture with an “A+” on it.  That is what we send in. Tyson does not currently have this available on their fresh, packaged chicken.  This program is only available on their frozen products.

Generally, SJV school, along with the parish, raises approximately $2000 or more each year.
