SJV Foundation









About Us

St. John Vianney Foundation Mission Statement:

To support, enhance and promote resources, programs, and activities designed to meet the educational needs and goals of the St. John Vianney Parish Community.

Board of Trustees:

Susan Rysdyk, President
Patrick Burns, Vice President
Sarah Bennett, Treasurer
Jean Eckelkamp, Secretary
Nicholas Andersen
Edward Bokhart
Mary Shamblin
Fr. John Vallier
Matt Weibel

St. John Vianney Foundation Funds

In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the St. John Vianney Foundation, the Foundation will receive, hold, manage, and invest gifts of money and property for the funds indicated below.

Gifts received by the Foundation can be specifically donated to any of the designated funds or can be left unrestricted. The Trustees shall apportion unrestricted gifts to one or more of the Foundations Funds on an annual basis.

Funds Defined:

Education Foundation (Endowment) Fund
The Education Foundation (Endowment) Fund is the original Foundation fund. The investment returns from this fund are available to support the general educational needs of the parish including Faith Formation, St. John Vianney School, and the Parish. The income from these investments are disbursed through consultation with parish and school leadership and the Board in response to grant requests.

Catholic School Fund
Income from the Catholic School Fund is used to fund the operations of the school. The investment income is transferred directly to the school to offset operating expenses. The fund is to be treated as an endowed fund but with provisions to address unforseen needs.

Tuition Assistance Fund
Funds apportioned to, or specifically donated to, the Tuition Assistance Fund are used to support students attending St. John Vianney School who meet grant guidelines.

The Arthur W. and Georgia Marie Morgan Tuition Assistance Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide tuition assistance to St. John Vianney School families. There are two portions to this one. The endowed portion (with a corpus) will not be spent but will continue to grow for future students. The second portion can be used in conjunction with our Tuition Assistance Fund.

Fiscal Year

The St. John Vianney Foundation runs on a fiscal year beginnning October 1st through September 30th. We are a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization.

EIN: 38-2700546


Contributions are received, collected and reported in accordance with our fiscal year. We are a cash-basis tax reporting entiry.

Grant Process

The Foundation Grant Process kicks off in August of each year. The Foundation Board of Trustees encourages all St. John Vianney Department Heads to seek funding for projects, programs and services that best meet the following educational criteria:

– Projects which involve students, faculty and/or parishioners in a learning activity.
– Innovation projects with long-range benefits, particularly those that enhance current and planned programming.
– Guest speakers, specialists or experts who enhance the educational needs and goals of the St. John Vianney Parish Community.

All Grant applications are submitted to the Foundation Coordinator by mid-September, with Grant Awards announced mid-October.