
There are three classifications of Funerals:

Active Parishioner, Non-Registered Parishioner and Non- Parishioner.

Active Parishioner Funeral

For an individual who is a practicing Catholic and is an active registered member of SJV Parish or a non-registered spouse living with an active registered member of SJV Parish.

Fees –

Church: No Charge
Musician: $150
Cantor: $110
Lunch: $3.00 per person

Non-Registered Parishioner Funeral

For an individual who is Catholic and lives within the parish boundaries.

Parish Boundaries:

Beginning at Burlingame SW at 28th Street, East on 28th Street to US131 – South on US131 to 68th Street – West on 68th to Byron Center – North on Bryon Center to 44th Street – East on 44th Street to Burlingame – North on Burlingame to 28th Street.

Fees –

Church: $50
Musician: $150
Cantor: $140
Lunch: not available

Non-Parishioner Funeral

This is for an individual who is a practicing Catholic that is not an active member of St. John Vianney Parish. The Service may be held in the church if it is available, however, arrangements for a celebrant must be made with the family/funeral home. Musician and Cantor will be provided at a nominal fee, based on availability. Luncheon will not be available.

Fees –

Church: $50
Musician: $150
Cantor: $140
Lunch: not available


Funeral Home

  1. Contact Fr John Vallier to set date and time: office 724-3125, home 724-3127
  2. Contact as noted to confirm church, lunch, music, etc…
    • a. Business Hours (M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm)
      • Holly Coppock – Office 534-5449 ext 120
    • b. Non Business Hours (M-F 4:30pm to 8:30am and weekends)
      • contact Fr. John
  3. Provide the Family Contact name(s) and Phone Numbers

Vigil Service

The Vigil Service will be done by the Pastor for Active Parishioners and Non-registered Parishioners. If he is not available he will contact the Director of Worship and Pastoral Care – Sr. Lucy Phung

SJV Notification

Holly Coppock will contact the required individuals:

  • Music – Chris Lyons who will contact cantor and musician
  • Adoration – Diana Kaczanowski
  • Luncheon –Pat Larabel
  • Sacristan –
  • School Principal – Jenna Mastellone
  • Director of Worship and Pastoral Care – Sr. Lucy Phung

Please Contact:

Fr. John Vallier



Holly Coppock

Administrative Assistant


Sister Lucy

Director of Pastoral Care

