Learn about the many beautiful, inspiring, and powerful prayers our Catholic church teaches. Learn why and how to pray them; how to incorporate them into our very busy lives. Prayer should not feel like a chore or a bother. It should be a heartfelt conversation between us and God.
The SJV Women’s Prayer Group is a beautiful way to meet others you may see in church, but do not get the opportunity to know; to share faith and spiritual support with women in our SJV community. Whether you’re single, married, or widowed, I encourage you to join in learning how to be more confident, stronger, and more courageous in your faith while developing a closer relationship with God. Please prayerfully consider joining us in this journey of faith and fellowship. As Joan of Arc simply said, “Act, and God will act.”
Meetings will be held every Monday from 6:30-7:30pm in Class Rm 1. (Note that you are not required to attend every Monday.) To sign up or for more information, you can email Anna Sepulveda at praysjv@stjohnvianney.net
05/25/22 – St. Bernadette of Lourdes was chosen by our group to be the patron saint of the SJV WPG. We chose her because we recognized that prayer (being very important to us) for the world, desperately needs healing not only physically but mentally and spiritually. AND we are blessed to have the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette Soubirous in the Grotto.

08/01/22 – First Catholic Catholic Renewed Game. Not only do we do a lot of learning about our beautiful Catholic faith and prayers but I like to make it fun for the ladies too! Every so often I will take the dynamics of the game show “Family Feud” and have questions about topics we have discussed for a few months and turn it into “Catholic Renewed”. We have buzzers and everything lol.
03/27/23 – SJV WPG member finishes months of chemo treatment with a promising outlook. We had 2 members fighting breast cancer of which both have conquered with God’s loving grace. Praise to you our Lord Jesus Christ! (pics)
07/10/23 – Praying in the SJV Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto. In the warm spring and summer months we try to have a couple of our meetings in our beautiful and peaceful Grotto and pray the rosary or stations together.
10/02/23 – First Help Pregnancy Aid ” baby shower” at SJV. Once or twice a year we try to help out in charity for our parish and community and held a “baby shower” to collect baby products needed for the Help Pregnancy Aid Center in Grand Rapids.

01/23/24 – Mass For Life with Bishop Walkowiak The Holy Mass is the biggest form of worship and prayer. As St. Francis of Assisi has said about the Holy Mass
“Man should tremble, the world should quake, all Heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest.”
04/06/24 – Donna Cori Women’s Retreat: Having a Mary’s Spirit Throughout A Martha’s Day. This was a HUGE event that our group got to coordinate for the Divine Mercy weekend this year! We had 90 women from all over the diocese of Grand Rapids attend the women’s retreat.
04/07/24 – Divine Mercy Sunday Concert with Donna Cori, which is another event we coordinated. Donna has the voice of an angel. She is known for taking our Catholic prayers and scriptures and putting them word for word into song and she does it beautifully. A wonderful way to pray and remember them. About 147 Catholics attended and many many were moved to go to confession which was available during the concert. It was an awesome and inspiring thing to see.