Adult Faith Enrichment, & Confirmation

Education and Faith Enrichment Opportunities

Men of Emmaus

Men of the parish meet in a small group format to renew their faith and grow in Spirit.  The Men of Emmaus meetings take place on Saturdays from 7:00 – 9:00 AM in the parish office conference room 1.  The meeting begins with the Rosary and then the group studies the weekend Mass readings with Dr. Brant Pitre.   For more information, contact Marty Best: (616) 724-3132 or

Tuesday Morning Scripture Study

Join us every Tuesday morning for an in-depth study of the previous Sunday’s Lectionary readings.  No registration is necessary.  Just walk in and begin to feed your faith.  The study takes place in Conference Room 1 of the parish office from 10:30 AM until Noon.

Bible/Book Study

These sessions are held on Wednesday morning from 10:00 – 11:30 and Thursday evening from 6:30 – 8:00, using approved sources and inviting parishioners to a deeper understanding of scripture.  Other Bible study groups are offered periodically throughout the year.

For other offerings contact Marty Best: (616) 724-3132 or

Adult Confirmation Preparation

This program offers preparation for adult candidates who have been baptized and brought up in the Catholic faith, and are seeking reception of the Sacrament at the Confirmation Mass that happens in late Spring at the Cathedral of St. Andrew.  Adult Confirmation candidates will need to take a basic Catholicism course three months prior to their Confirmation .  Registration is required but no fee is asked for this program.  Contact Marty Best for more information and to register.

Family Finance Workshop

This class is designed to help couples preparing for marriage, set up and manage their household finances with Stewardship in mind.  Contact Marty Best for upcoming dates.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Children (RCIA/RCIC)

RCIA is the process whereby adults and children over the age of 7 are welcomed into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist.   Those already baptized in another Christian tradition will prepare for full communion in the Catholic faith.  The process involves the periods of Inquiry, Catechumenate, the Period of Purification and Enlightenment, and Mystagogy.  If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church, contact Marty Best for more information.

Beginning Catholic
What are the steps of RCIA

RCIA – Becoming Catholic

Seasonal Institutes

Each season we will offer workshops on various topics.  Catechists, teachers, and the general public are welcome to attend sessions on Spiritual Growth, Catholic Church teachings, personal development, and catechetical methodology.

That Man is You!


Attention, Men of all ages!

Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God?  Be a better husband? Become a more loving father?  Build friendships with other like-minded men? Be the best man you can be?

Then join us Wednesday Mornings at 6:30 AM in the parish office conference room and online. The format is simple: Watch a short video 6:30-6:55 AM; Small group discussion 6:55-7:30 AM; Dismiss (promptly) at 7:30 AM

We will begin the Fall semester of That Man is You! – All Things New on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 6:30 AM in St. John Vianney’s parish office conference room, or on Zoom.  Join us for an excellent short video presentation, and lively conversation.  You will be glad you did!

Please call (616) 724-3132 or email for more information and to sign up.

For more information, schedules, or to volunteer to help out with any of the programs listed, please contact:

Marty Best

Faith Formation Coordinator for Adults

(616) 724-3132
