Community Building

Shrine Upkeep

This group of parishioners makes sure that Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine is presentable and maintained.  Help is needed for spring planting, summer weeding, and fall clean-up.

Contact the Parish Office: 616-534-5449

Church Cleaning, Grounds Care, and Parishioner Assistance

Contact Mike Larabel at 616-531-4818, or for more information.


Coordinators are needed for various areas including the Sunday dinner, games tent, refreshment center, food court, Bingo, finance, set up and clean up, and Vegas games, as well as many volunteers to work the event.

Co-chairs: Steve Chwalek and Dan Weibel


The SJV Scrip Program allows family members to purchase scrip (gift cards/certificates)  for everyday expenses such as food, clothing, gas while earning a percentage of each dollar of scrip purchased back in revenue (tuition credit).  It’s that easy!

Contact Scrip coordinators, Sue Rysdyk (616-583-0122) or Vicki Warmolts (616-261-4122) for more information and how to sign up. 

Second Best Sale

This fundraiser is held over three days, normally during Spring Break.  Many volunteers are needed to sort and mark donations the first day, help with the sale on the second day, and pack up what is left on the afternoon of the last day.  A coordinator is also needed.

Contact Sandy Maxim, 616-534-5449,  for more information.

Auction! Committee

Auction! is an exciting night of fun, prizes, and silent and oral auctions.  Proceeds support the technology needs of the school and parish and the Tuition Assistance Fund.

Coordinator: position is open

Lenten Fish Fry

A major fundraiser of the Athletic Boosters, these dinners are held on the Fridays of Lent.  Many volunteers are needed for prep work, kitchen, serving and clean up.

Contact the school office for more information (532-7001).

Pastoral Council

Council Members:
